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How to Revoke a Last Will and Testament in Florida

Sometimes life events occur that require a change in Estate planning.  In Florida will contests and Probate litigation can often turn on the strange set of circumstances surrounding whether or not a Last Will and Testament was properly revoked. Fortunately, Florida Statutes offer some guidance: 732.505. Revocation by writing A will or codicil, or any… Continue reading How to Revoke a Last Will and Testament in Florida

How to Start a Probate Proceeding in Florida

A probate proceeding in Florida is a Court supervised distribution system designed to protect beneficiaries and creditors and to ensure that (1) the appropriate beneficiaries are discovered/noticed to the proceeding and that (2) creditor claims of the deceased are settled pursuant to the rules of the Florida Probate code and finally so that (3) distribution… Continue reading How to Start a Probate Proceeding in Florida

Florida Trust Administration Basics

With the popularity of “avoiding probate” seminars, books and do-it-yourself guides that flooded the State of Florida over the past decades it is little wonder that our state has seen a dramatic increase in Trust Litigation.   Trusts can be great estate planning tools. This article is meant to provide a basic overview for those brave… Continue reading Florida Trust Administration Basics

Waiver of Spousal Rights Under Florida Probate Law

WAIVER OF SPOUSAL RIGHTS UNDER FLORIDA PROBATE LAW Florida probate law contains numerous protections for a surviving spouse.  These interests include what is referred to as an Elective Share (a minimum entitlement to the Estate by law), preference of appointment in intestate proceedings, and rights to elect either a ½ interest in homestead property or… Continue reading Waiver of Spousal Rights Under Florida Probate Law

Advanced Planning For Minors

FLORIDA LAW: WHO TAKES CARE OF MY CHILDREN IF I DIE? Not surprisingly a common concern among our Clients is the care and wellbeing of their minor children in the event of incapacity or death.  If you fail to plan accordingly the care of your minor children may be at the mercy of the determination… Continue reading Advanced Planning For Minors

Basic Methods to Avoid Probate in Florida: Enhanced Life Estate or “Lady Bird” Deeds

A common question presented to our office during Estate planning consultations is how to avoid probate in Florida.  Complicated and high value estates may benefit from the creation of a Trust and the management of assets into a trust to avoid the costs and expenses of a probate administration. Often the only asset or major… Continue reading Basic Methods to Avoid Probate in Florida: Enhanced Life Estate or “Lady Bird” Deeds

How to Force the Sale of Real Estate in Florida

Often because of an inheritance or a change in circumstances, two unmarried people end up jointly owning real estate.  This can create all sorts of problems for issues like rental income, responsibility for expenses (mortgage, taxes, property insurance etc…).  If you own a property in Florida with someone and you are not getting the fair… Continue reading How to Force the Sale of Real Estate in Florida

Lawsuits and Settlements Involving Minors in Florida

Florida law allows for the recovery of civil damages on behalf of minor children.  Florida law allows for natural guardians, parents, to settle a claim or cause of action for minor children so long as the total amount received does not exceed $15,000.00.   See Fla. Stat. 744.301.  If the settlement or claim will exceed… Continue reading Lawsuits and Settlements Involving Minors in Florida

Guardianship Over Minor’s Property in Florida

One issue that arises frequently in a Probate Administration is the devise, bequest or inheritance to a minor (under 18 years old).  A minor cannot have an ownership interest in property that exceeds a certain value.   Fla. Stat. 744.301 Provides: 744.301 Natural Guardians.— (1) The parents jointly are the natural guardians of their own children and of… Continue reading Guardianship Over Minor’s Property in Florida

What Happens When You Get Divorced and Fail to Update Your Last Will and Testament or Estate Planning Documents in Florida

In a Florida Probate proceeding one of the principal guiding aspects of the law is to give meaning and intent to the desires or wishes of the decedent.  Therefore the case law interpreting will provisions in Florida is construed to favor the intent of the decedent where possible.  One challenge that occurs is when a… Continue reading What Happens When You Get Divorced and Fail to Update Your Last Will and Testament or Estate Planning Documents in Florida