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Dealing With Missing Beneficiaries or Heirs in Florida Probate

Frequently we deal with Florida Probates where an heir or a beneficiary is unable to be found.  If you have a Florida Probate Administration where a beneficiary or an heir goes missing or you or your family has lost touch with the individual  you have a few options.  First, remember that the Florida Rules of… Continue reading Dealing With Missing Beneficiaries or Heirs in Florida Probate

Understanding the Statute of Limitations for Foreclosure

A statute of limitations sets the time frame upon which a cause of action may be brought.  Typically, Florida Statute Chapter 95 sets forth the statute of limitations periods.  Foreclosure, an action brought typically by a lending institution is ultimately a cause of action rooted in breach of contract (the mortgage).  That cause of action,… Continue reading Understanding the Statute of Limitations for Foreclosure

Foreclosure and Property Insurance Claims

I have recently encountered several homeowners struggling with the foreclosure process and a battle with their homeowners’ insurance company at the same time.  If you have monies from your insurer due to sinkhole, fire or water damage that have been tendered to both you and your lender during foreclosure you may know what a headache… Continue reading Foreclosure and Property Insurance Claims

The Florida Rules of Intestate Succession

When thinking about your estate planning options, it is important to know the backdrop upon which your decisions will be made.  If you die without a will, the State of Florida has pre-set rules, called the rules of intestate succession, that will determine how all assets subject to distribution shall be distributed.  Here is a… Continue reading The Florida Rules of Intestate Succession

An Overview of Collections in Florida

Frequently our office gets calls from people involved in the collections process as either a debtor, a person owing money, or a creditor, someone looking to collect from a judgment.  As any attorney will tell you, an Order of Final Judgment isnt worth the paper its printed on if you cant collect from the Defendant.… Continue reading An Overview of Collections in Florida

How to Obtain Title to a Vehicle or Mobile Home After a Death in Florida:

Our office frequently encounters questions from folks in the Tampa Bay Area and beyond regarding Probate.  Some estates simply consist of Mobile homes and or Vehicles. This article is meant to provide an overview and basic guide for those transferring title to a vehicle or mobile home after the death of a family member or… Continue reading How to Obtain Title to a Vehicle or Mobile Home After a Death in Florida:

Bankruptcy Considerations During a Florida Foreclosure

Our office handles quite a few Florida Foreclosure cases.  An issue that constantly arises is the conjunction between Bankruptcy Law and Florida Foreclosure Law.  Understanding how they are related can help those dealing with a foreclosure make smarter decisions regarding whether or not to file for Bankruptcy or how to address your Foreclosure. I. Bankruptcy… Continue reading Bankruptcy Considerations During a Florida Foreclosure

How to Open a Safe Deposit Box in Florida

If you find yourself reading this article you may be interested in opening a safety deposit box of a family member or loved one in the State of Florida.  Fortunately, there are several legal avenues that can be pursued in order to allow you and your family to open up the deposit box and figure… Continue reading How to Open a Safe Deposit Box in Florida