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Power of Attorney Litigation in Florida: An Overview

Dealing with probate litigation and administration, we frequently observe how poor estate planning and/or unscrupulous family members destroy the intentions of a decedent and ultimately cause fall out among the remaining family members.  One tool we commonly see abused in Florida is the power of attorney document.  This article is meant to provide a brief… Continue reading Power of Attorney Litigation in Florida: An Overview

Handling Partial Denials of Roof Claims in Florida

One of the primary sources of property damage claims in Florida includes damage to a roof system caused by windstorm or hail.  Hurricanes and storms are prevalent in Florida, so you might find your residential structure or commercial building in need of filing an insurance claim to repair your damaged roof and/or the resulting water… Continue reading Handling Partial Denials of Roof Claims in Florida

Challenging a Will: When Can You Contest a Will in Florida?

If you’ve just discovered the contents of a relative’s Last Will and Testament and are not happy with the results, you may have grounds to contest it via a probate court. However, it’s important to note that it’s unlikely you’ll have any success if it’s simply the case that you think you should have received… Continue reading Challenging a Will: When Can You Contest a Will in Florida?

Agreeing to Divide Inheritance in Florida: What Does the Law Say about Oral Agreements?

If you’re not an expert in legal matters, understanding probate law in Florida can be difficult. A common question that people want to know, after the death of a parent or even grandparent, is: Can the inheritance be legally divided, just based on a verbal agreement among siblings? Oral Agreements and the Law In Florida,… Continue reading Agreeing to Divide Inheritance in Florida: What Does the Law Say about Oral Agreements?

Federal and Florida Estate Tax Considerations for Probate

Death and Taxes, famously inevitable and often quite brutal on the un-seasoned Florida executor or Personal Representative dealing with a probate.  In this article we provide a brief overview of how to handle both the Federal and State challenges that come with a Florida Probate.  Federal Estate Taxes For most Americans, there will be no… Continue reading Federal and Florida Estate Tax Considerations for Probate